【Blockchain Engineer】 NO NEED JLPT Visa Support Available
※ ご経験・ご希望に応じて業務内容は相談させていただきます。
・ブロックチェーンを利用した自社サービスの設計開発( Webまたはアプリ向けAPIの設計開発やインフラの構築など)
・企業との共同事業サービスでのシステムアーキテクチャーの設計やスマートコントラクトの開発 他、ビジネスをドライブさせるために必要な開発をメンバーとともに行ってもらいます。
【Business description】
We are looking for engineers who can promote from basic research and development of original blockchain to design and development of applications using blockchain in order to realize social implementation of blockchain.
* We will consult with you regarding the business content according to your experience and wishes.
【Specific business content】
・ Research and development of original blockchain (from theoretical level research to development from theory to product)
・ Design and development of in-house services using blockchain (design and development of API for Web or application, construction of infrastructure, etc.)
・ We will ask members to carry out the development necessary to drive the business, such as designing the system architecture for joint business services with companies and developing smart contracts.
使用言語:C#, C++, TypeScript
フレームワーク: .NET Core, .Net Framework, ASP.NET Core, Angular
仮想化基盤:Docker, Kubernetes
・英語(ビジネスレベル) ※海外出身のメンバーとは基本的に英語でのやり取りとなります。
【Required skills / experience】
【Development environment / technology stack】
Languages used: C #, C ++, TypeScript
Frameworks: .NET Core, .Net Framework, ASP.NET Core, Angular
Virtualization infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes
Cloud service: Azure
Code management: git
【Required requirements】
・ Expertise in computer science (especially knowledge of data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming, distributed computing, parallel / asynchronous processing programming, source management, software development process)
・ High programming ability
・ English (business level)
* Basically, we will communicate in English with members from overseas.
・JavaやC# などオブジェクト指向プログラミングの経験
【Welcome skills / experience】
・ Knowledge of blockchain
・ Experience in object-oriented programming such as Java and C #
・ Experience in system architecture design
・ Knowledge and experience of DevOps
【Personal image you want】
・ Those who can work together while communicating as a team
・ Those who are adaptable to change, those who can promote business autonomously, those who have a startup mind
・ Those who are interested in learning new technologies and can utilize new technologies as needed
・ Those who have goals and are passionate about achieving them in order to accomplish their mission.
・ Those who have the ability to execute to achieve the goal
・ Those who set specific numerical targets and do their best to reach them
・近距離住宅手当(5 万円/月を上限に当社規定により支給)
・近距離住宅奨励金(10 万円を当社規定により支給)
・ Complete social insurance (health insurance, welfare annuity insurance, employment insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance)
・ Short-distance housing allowance (paid according to our regulations up to 50,000 yen / month)
・ Short-distance housing incentive (100,000 yen provided according to our regulations)
・ Book purchase system (company burden)
・ Health check (company burden)
・ Free drinks, free snacks, free noodles
・ Burden of moving costs when joining the company (provided according to our regulations)
* May vary depending on employment type.
・完全週休 2 日制(土・日)
・年次有給休暇(初年度 12 日) など
【Holiday vacation】
・Complete weekly two-day system (Saturday and Sunday)
・public holiday
・New Year holiday
・Condolence leave
・Prenatal and postnatal leave
・Parental leave
・Birthday vacation
・Annual paid leave (12th of the first year), etc.
* Some contents may differ depending on the employment type and hiring position. Details will be announced at the time of selection.